
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Genelia's HT column::3 Idoits

Genelia D'Souza, Hindustan Times
Email Author
New Delhi, September 08, 2010

What makes you tick? What is that one thing that you can’t stand in a particular person or a whole clan of people? Liars, cheats, infidels, misers, nose-diggers, smelly people? I feel there’s a certain tolerance threshold that all of us have and there are certain people who do the business of 
pushing all our wrong buttons just the right way! Sigh! I guess God made these people in a very surly, bad mood himself!
I’m not the kind of person who lets people or situations get to me easily. But just like everybody else, there are some idiots I just cannot tolerate, and despise with an intolerance unknown to my otherwise docile personality. :-)
Genelia1) The prodigal fakers
Ever heard of the people who slink in the corners and wait silently for you to complete a task and then jump right out to grab the limelight? These people have the talent of claiming work that doesn’t belong to them, and walk away with the praise and accolades without so much as a flinch. How uncool is that? For starters, it is shameless. Everybody desires praise, but it is important to make sure you’re worth it. So instead of faking it all the time, how about you give the real deal a chance? Work hard to get where you want to be!
2) The grave-diggers
There are people who want nothing more than to drag you down with them simply because they can’t succeed. They are like crabs in a basket — no crab can ever escape because the other crabs will  drag it back down. Imagine having some beautiful dreams and the desire to fulfil them. Now, imagine being told quite convincingly that you can never achieve those very dreams, that you cannot do it. These people function on negativity and think poorly of themselves, and it irks them to see someone else succeed. So, they dig their grave and yours.
3) The downright liars
Liars come in all shapes and sizes. Some may make you laugh, some make you feel stupid, and some even make you feel like you’re missing out on life! But, the ones that really get my goat are the liars of the male species that are hellbent on lying about their so-called female ‘conquests’. I’m sure all of us have come across at least one such guy who brags about the number of girls he has bedded and how suave he is when it comes to getting ‘chicks’. Almost always, such stories are lies made up by the guy to cover up for the fact that he’s not such a great catch after all. When their advances are spurned, guys with such lowly temperaments go on a lying rampage to protect their fragile male egos and malign the girls’ reputations. But then again, the ones who perpetually see the glass as ‘half full’ shouldn’t let such people get to them. The best action against them is to ignore them, have faith in yourself and move on, move forward. Don’t let them rule you. Never let them change you.

Genelia talks about her most devoted fans

Genelia D'souza, Hindustan Times
Email Author
New Delhi, September 15, 2010

Being in the world of cinema for a while now, I've come to realise and acknowledge the importance of fans. They can make or break an actor! Who would you make movies for if nobody goes to watch them? Fans have this special intellect that allows them to connect with us actors on a very phenomenal 
level. The huge crowd outside the homes of stars such as Amitabhji, Salman and Shah Rukh are testimony to this craze called fandom. People have their walls plastered with posters of their favorite stars, scramble to get one autograph and one picture with their actor idols, build temples in their name and travel hundreds of kilometres for that one glimpse.

I did this as well. Even now, whenever I get the opportunity to meet some of my favorite actors I’m still in awe and as starstruck as the rest of the world. Something that makes me walk on air is that over the years, I have made fans who have touched my heart and who love me with an affection that I find extremely endearing. My fans make me believe in my work, their thoughtful words (even if they are critical) just make me want to go on and on, in a quest to please even more.

The first fan I ever met was a 7-year old girl. She walked up to me with a huge grin on her face and nervously told me that her room was full of my posters. She wanted me to sign the picture for her. Believe me when I say, my excitement was way more than hers when I held that pen to sign my name.

Today, technology has made connecting with fans so much easier. I’m a self-confessed Twitter addict simply because it is such an amazing platform to discover, learn, take pitfalls as well as accolades from my fans. And trust me, every fan has something important to say.

GeneliaProbably two of my most devoted fans till date are Ajit Jagtap and the rest of the gang. He is the man behind my fan-Twitter GeneliaOnline. GeneliaFans on Twitter managed by Jawardhan Shah is also fantastic!

It's mind-boggling how clued in they are with whatever's happening with me. May it be an event I'm attending or this column that I write every week, they are hands on with every update. They are not just a constant encouragement, they are also very informative. At times I'm very humbled by their evocations and I'm almost speechless at their dedication.

Swapnika Singh is another very adorable fan who has this beautiful talent — she draws charcoal pictures of her favorite stars and I'm lucky that I'm one of them. She has sent me two very stunning drawings and I'm awed at the sheer skill that this girl possesses. It's quite something to realise that you influence people enough that they incorporate you into art. After all Mona Lisa is legendary because it was Leonardo da Vinci who painted her. Hats off to you Swapnika, you have a god-given gift. I hope you draw more such beautiful pictures of me and your other favorites.

One Thursday and one column is not enough to express the pleasure I feel when I connect with my fans. Every one of you is special! I'm honoured that you think I'm worthy of your affection. Thank you and I love you all!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

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Its very awesome song from movie Bommarilu.....stay with us lot more genelia stuff still to come....