
Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Rainbow theory

Genelia D’souza, Hindustan Times
Email Author
New Delhi, December 08, 2010
First Published: 16:24 IST(8/12/2010)
Last Updated: 01:12 IST(9/12/2010)

Everyone has their own theory about colours — lucky colours, unlucky colours, favourite colours, colours that bring back memories, colours you want to forget and colours that influence your mood. Everything, from fashion to Bollywood to the national flags, is dominated by this omnipotent singularity - colour.
I’m fascinated by colours and what it can do to you, especially to your moods! It is absolutely true that a single burst of colour can pep you up or take you down. Take white for instance — it is ironical how white is the colour for peace and hence is the funeral colour. On the other hand, for various communities, it is also the colour of the bride’s dress, which signifies the end of all peace! Hahaha! Red is clearly the colour of love, the colour of Valentine’s Day balloons and also the universal sign for ‘Stop!’ Get the message?
Do you guys also believe that certain people remind you of certain colours? Let’s say, for example, the best friend who just cannot stop smiling all the time and makes you smile too, when you’re feeling low! She’s most definitely ‘pink’ – the colour of joy! And the all-too-raging boss who dominates your day at work. What about him? Would you call him a ghastly shade of orange or just to be a little mean – puke green? Don’t worry, I won’t tell. What colours would you use to describe me? I’m guessing most of the time, I’m perfectly yellow — the sunshine girl, as I’m fondly called by most of my fans. Fun to be with, the sense of humour intact and an absolute ‘bring on the world’ attitude.
Sometimes, I’m a little blue and that’s when I like to spend time by myself. There are times when I’m downright golden — doing everything just right, impressing the right people and making myself proud. There are times when I feel like I'm going to turn black — angry at something, and that’s when you dare not rub me the wrong way. But at times like these, I almost always stop at grey and that’s it. Some moments make me totally red — my work for instance. I’ve never been so passionate about anything else before, and this for me is a huge thing in itself. Red is definitely my colour when I’m working! I think this applies to people in general as well. The Rainbow Theory. No one can go through life being one single colour. We are all a very emotional breed and have way more to offer rather than just one colour all our lives. It’s important to let all those colours out. So guys and girls, don’t shy away from being called coloured. Being coloured is beautiful, not a racial slur. Being coloured is not just vital, it is what sets you apart!

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